![Woman smiling while pointing to her smile](https://www.caringwaydentistry.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/AdobeStock_303178990__1629140503_89767-300x200.jpg)
Are you due for a dental procedure just before March 8, 2020? It is that day of the year dedicated to women and you certainly wouldn’t want to commit yourself to a dental procedure that will require repeated appointments with your dentist besides leaving you anxious if the procedure needs more time than the specified date.
You would want to give your better half or your date a good time on women’s day by taking her around town for a cozy dinner at a fine dining restaurant and even enjoy yourself partnering with her. The thought of completing the dental procedure before the arrival of women’s day may already be causing anxiousness in your mind but if you discuss the issue with your dentist he or she will be happy to suggest sedation dentistry is a way out of the problem you are facing. You will still have to undergo the dental procedure but the benefits of sedation dentistry to make it easier for you to gain a different type of dental experience.
What Benefits Can Sedation Dentistry Provide?
Sedation dentistry can provide you many benefits to undergo the procedure suggested by your dentist without any embarrassment that you may have experienced during an earlier visit. Let us give you four facts about sedation dentistry that will prove beneficial for your treatment.
Get over Your Fear and Anxiety
Present-day dentists are helping people to overcome their dental fear and anxiety practically every day. You may not be embarrassed even if past experience has kept you away from dental visits for quite some time. You can be confident with the knowledge that the dentist treating you will ensure a comfortable and anxiety-free visit for you with the help of sedation dentistry.
Ease of Treatment
If you struggle with a gag reflex or have sensitive teeth and gums sedation will allow your dentist to perform dental procedures without stress you may be accustomed to experiencing. Dental procedures are easier both for you as well as the dentist with sedation that relaxes you by allowing you to rest enabling the dental team to focus entirely on the procedure.
Comfort and Rest
You may begin to feel comfortable at the dentist’s office like it happens every day in most dentist’s offices because of the use of sedation. Not only will the dentist help you feel comfortable but sedation dentistry will allow you to rest quietly and calmly during your procedure. Many patients are finding their experience with sedation dentistry relaxing and providing them a break from their busy life.
More Treatments Completed in Fewer Appointments
The thought of visiting your dentist’s office multiple times for a single procedure is likely to cause anxiousness in you worrying about the length of procedure, the expenses that will be involved and the time you need to spend away from work to correct what you believed was a simple problem. Thankfully, sedation dentistry allows the dentist to perform more treatments in fewer visits.
You could be going to the dentist’s office to have a cavity filled, have some cosmetic procedures to whiten your teeth for women’s day or even fix a chipped tooth. You will be amazed at how many dental treatments can be completed in a single visit while you are calmly sedated. Even extensive procedures that require multiple visits may be completed in as little as a single visit with the advancements made in sedation dentistry.
Sedation dentistry can help everyone regardless of their age to overcome their common struggles which include:
- Being scared of needles and shots.
- Having a traumatic dental experience in the past.
- Struggling with the smells or noises of being at a dentist’s office.
- Have extremely sensitive teeth, a strong gag reflex or trouble getting numb.
- Require complex dental treatments that are lengthy.
- Simply prefer to have a more comfortable experience at the dentist’s office.
You could be concerned about any one of the above and may want to delay or avoid the dental procedure until after women’s day. However, if you contact Dr. R Boyd Gilleland you will be thankful that you didn’t because any procedures advised will be completed in the shortest time possible to leave you free to have a good time with your partner or date on March 8, 2020.