Dentures have allowed countless patients to enjoy having complete smiles after extensive tooth loss, but many people don’t have the right information about how these devices work or who they can help. This is especially unfortunate because it might prevent many patients with tooth loss from addressing the issue with these comfortable and lifelike tooth replacement appliances. Here are a few common misconceptions about dentures as well as the facts about these remarkable prosthetic devices.
Falsehood One: Dentures Are Only for Old People
When people think of dentures, they often think of them as being worn by senior citizens. While older people can be more likely to develop oral health issues that can lead to tooth loss such as gum disease, the truth is that dentures can help adults of any age with missing teeth. Younger people often lose teeth due to poor oral habits or injuries sustained while playing contact sports, and dentures have allowed many of them to enjoy having complete smiles again.
Falsehood Two: Dentures Are Unpleasant
Dentures have often been portrayed in an unflattering light in many cartoons and other comedic works, and these depictions may have left many people believing that these appliances are gross, uncomfortable, or otherwise unpleasant. The truth is that your dentures should fit remarkably well when you first get them, and you can keep them in excellent shape for many years if you care for them properly by cleaning and soaking them daily. This will keep your mouth healthy and your appliance sanitary and comfortable.
Falsehood Three: Dentures Are Easy to Notice
When you think of false teeth, you may imagine George Washington wearing a clumsy appliance made of ivory or an elderly cartoon character frequently having their teeth fall out of their mouth. Fortunately, today’s dentures fit remarkably well while mimicking the natural appearance of healthy teeth. Many people wearing dentures often forget that they are there because they are so comfortable, and you can rest assured that casual observers will not be able to notice your prosthetic appliance when you wear it.
Don’t let some misinformation get in the way of achieving your ideal smile. Consulting with your dentist can help you find out if dentures are the best way to replace your lost teeth.
About the Author
Dr. Bryan Villescas earned his dental degree at the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine and has accumulated more than 400 hours of surgical training at the Advanced Dental Implant Institute in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He also participates in postgraduate coursework from the Academy of General Dentistry and Spear Education. His office in Port Charlotte offers restorative, emergency, and cosmetic dentistry as well as dentures. To book your denture consultation, contact his office online or dial (941) 627-9900.